
The Trailhead is an independent publication written for men. Every couple weeks you will find a new article posted here, or, if you are subscribed, in your inbox.

Stories, inspirational and theological pieces, educational and how-to articles and more will enrich your day. From breakfast to bedtime, marriage to business management, preaching to parenting, our writers will share from the delights and dilemmas of manhood. As Christian men writing for other men of faith, The Trailhead team’s essays will reflect our writers’ relationships with Jesus Christ and encourage you in yours.

We value perspectives across a spectrum of denominations. In our attempts to value others' viewpoints, there will be times when the content published here is not representative of the Trailhead team. However, we welcome dialogue. If you wish to initiate conversation or push back on an idea, email the editors at thetrailhead20@gmail.com, comment at the bottom of the post, or contact the author directly with the email address provided with each article.