To my Son, my Brother Fifteen years ago, and brief ones at that, I rocked you to sleep on the recliner and sang to you. Now you are too grown for me to hold you on my lap, but you are not too grown for me to hold you up in prayer to your Creator.
The Race of Endurance Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. (Hebrews 12:1 NKJV) In 490 B.C., King
7x Fatherhood When a book such as The Seven Steps to a Sizzling Marriage is proclaimed as a must-read, I cringe. When a message with the theme “The Five Steps to a Struggle-free Life” is preached, I shake my head invisibly. When a tract titled “The Three Steps to Model Children” comes
Real-Life Marriage Read the following two stories, then check the blank in front of the story that matches closest God’s plan for marriage. (1)___ Far away in the Land of Enchantment lived a beautiful princess. Few had ever laid eyes upon her, but for those who had, they attempted to describe
Jesus the King Colossians 3:11 informs us that “Christ is all, and in all,” and the Word of God gives us many details explaining what that means. Jesus is described as Alpha and Omega, Bread of Life, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and Saviour, but perhaps King is one of Jesus’
Who is He in Yonder Stall A well-worn adage advises us to walk a mile in another’s moccasins before we judge him. We can gain depth of perception by looking at situations from another person’s perspective or another culture’s experience. With that in mind, let’s travel back through the hallways of time
Impossible Connections The box with two tiny Jetpacks that arrived from Verizon was supposed to be just what I needed to upgrade my office system to unlimited data. As humans are so prone to do, I had bitten for the offer before I had digested it, instead of digesting first and biting
The Veracity of Our Faith Every avid reader is guilty at times of reading without digesting, but every addicted reader will also at times come across a sentence or paragraph which causes him to backtrack and contemplate deeply what he just read. The latter scenario played itself out for me when I read John Krakauer’